Posts in "TinyMCE" category

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 March 9, 2016    0 comments 

As I mentioned in my previous post, I did a major rework of django-tinymce4 package. At first, I intended to fix a few features and then submit a pull request to the original package, but I couldn't stop myself and re-wrote almost (...)

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Spoiler Plugin for TinyMCE 4

 Feb. 11, 2016    0 comments 

I'm still polishing this blog CMS. One of the major "under the hood" improvements that I've made recently is the upgrade of TinyMCE content editor from v.3 to v.4. For that I've done a major rework of django-tinymce4 package and fixed almost all features, including spellchecker and integration with django-filebrowserdjango-filebrowser-no-grappelli packages. I'm going to submit a pull request with my changes, but that will be later, when I get all things in order, including updated documentation for django-tinymce4.

As a part of this improvement I've developed a spoiler plugin for TinyMCE 4 that allows to add spoiler blocks to authored text, that is blocks of text that are initially collapsed and can be expanded by mouse click. (...)

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